Sunday, March 23, 2014

Student Teaching is Coming.......

So I was recently informed of our first student teaching meeting in one week. Then I learned that at this meeting we have to specify our grade interest when we teach. Immediately most of my classmates knew the exact grade they want to teach, and I was so confused. My first semester, I observed first grade which I fell in love with. I thought I wanted to be a first grade teacher until my second semester. Now I'm with third graders. I have to say that I loved both grades and experiences and both have their pros in cons. I love the abundance of activities that I can do with first graders and the fact that there is no end of grade testing in first grade. I love that third graders are more independent and I love reading chapter books more than picture books.

Our choices are K-2 or 3-5 and after discussing the pros and cons, I think I really want to teach older students. As much as we all enjoy younger kids, I think I can relate more to older students. I think my son who is in the fourth grade right now also had a lot to do with my decision. I'm so excited to student teach which begins in August, but I have a ton of assignments to worry about before that dream becomes a reality. What are your thoughts on teaching lower vs upper grades?

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