Sunday, March 9, 2014

It's been a while huh?

I'm back!!!! I got so swamped in grad school assignments that I took a break from my blog, but I'm proud to say that I finished my first semester with 2 A's and 1 B. I'm about half way into the second semester and so far it's looking pretty good. My field placement this semester is with an awesome third grade classroom. Third grade is like a totally different world from first grade. I fell in love with first graders last year and I vowed that when I graduate I would teach first graders. that I have a third grade placement, I love them just as much.

So far I have done a reading assessment and taught a small group lesson on retelling the story. I still have so many assignments left including teaching three whole group lessons. These scare the heck out of me. There's just something about having a class full of 25 students waiting for you to teach them. I don't want to mess up or confuse their little brains. Even though it terrifies me, I totally enjoy it. I hope to post some of the lessons that I am creating for my third graders pretty soon. Thank you to those of you who are reading and enjoying my blog posts, don't be afraid to like and comment. See you soon.

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